diy: free chunky cabled hat pattern

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when i asked my best friend sammie what she wanted for christmas 2017 (handknit, of course!), she knew her answer right away: a basic black hat. I was more than happy to oblige! wanting to honor her wishes for "basic" but also wanting to make her something special, i knew a hat full of chunky cables was the answer. 

since i used a super bulky wool, the hat knit up very fast (aren't quick projects the best?) and the cable pattern is very easy and repetitive. so grab your needles and some chunky yarn and cast on this cozy winter hat!




US 13 (9mm) double-pointed needles

cable needle, extra dpn, or stitch holder for cabling

yarn: wool and the gang crazy sexy wool in space black or another super bulky yarn 

tapestry needle




k - knit

p - purl

c2l - cable two stitches in front, to the left

k2t - knit two stitches together




cast on 40 stitches across 4 needles (10 stitches/needle)

alternate K1/p1 ribbing for 6 rows

* P1, K4, p1, k4 across each needle

repeat 4 times

row 5: p1, C2L, p1, c2l across each needle

repeat pattern from * 4 times

to decrease: 

R1: P1, k2t, k2t, p1, k2t, k2t across each needle

r2: p1, k2T, p1, k2T across each needle

r3: p1, k2T, p1, k2t

r4: weave end through remaining 8 stitches to bind off

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the finished hat is a great winter basic that still has visual interest. if you're into pompoms i think this hat would look super cute with one! 

what color chunky cabled hat would you make?